Fire Safety

Fire Safety Audit

Fire Safety Audit is a tool to access the fire safety standard of any infrastructure. It is not only a compliance requirement but a major gap analysis exercise for your set-up. Many of the accidents in the industry could be stopped if the proper system (Infrastructure + SOPs) gets adopted. A healthy running fire system can save lives, Assets, and many major accidents.

To access the current condition and current usability of the system as per today’s operations and the size of the facility, Conducting a FIRE SAFETY AUDIT is very critical. There are major 4 parts of Fire Safety Audit: –

  1. Fire Detection System
  2. Fire Suppression & Fire Fighting System
  3. Egress & Evacuation System
  4. Emergency Response Plan

Fire Detection System

It is very important to have an effective Automatic Fire Detection System in the facility. This is the first step when you get notified for an emergency. Its not advisable to rely on any other medium for communicating concerned teams about a Fire Emergency.

Businesses also use VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection System) for areas having high fire load.

Fire Audit Includes

Fire safety audits

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